Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Rampant Feminism in the Diocese of Linz
Women are being installed everywhere as acolytes, lectors and deacons in the Novus Ordo Mass Liturgy of the Diocese of Linz, Austria, as shown on this page.It is a de facto admission of women in the Orders, which is an old dream of Progressivism being realized by Francis in the wake of the other Conciliar Popes; a preparation for the woman priest.
The doctrine of the Church is quite clear in this respect. Indeed, St. Paul teaches: "Let the woman learn in silence, with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to use authority over the man: but to be in silence." (1 Tim 2:11-12)
The Apostle of the Gentiles continues: "Let women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted them to speak but to be subject, as also the law saith. But if they would learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is a shame for a woman to speak in the church." (1 Cor 14:34-35)
Nonetheless, one year ago in the Decree Spiritus Domini (January 10, 2021) Pope Francis allowed the opposite. “The pontiff ... has established that women can accede to these ministries and they are attributed by a liturgical function that institutionalizes them,” the Vatican said in an explanatory note.
Francis ends his Decree with this imperative line: "I order that the provisions of this Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio have firm and stable effect, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, even if worthy of special mention..."
But, it happens that both the bi-millennial tradition of the Catholic Church and the two texts of the Epistles of St. Paul quoted above are frontally opposed to what Francis decreed. Since a Pope has no authority to change eitherTradition or the Sacred Scriptures, we see that he is abusing his power and going astray.
Such a possibility was studied by grave theologians and classified as Schism (here and here) regarding the change in customs of the Liturgy. Regarding his pretension to change the Scriptures, perhaps the error is even more serious and could be classified as heresy. Then, we would fall into another grave case also studied by Saints and theologians – the case of a heretic Pope.
We see that by taking a de jure official position on the topic of women in Orders, Francis seems to have stepped on a banana skin...
Photos from Catapulta

Posted January 9, 2022