Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Vatican Police forbids Cuban flag in St. Peter's Square
On October 24, 2021, the Vatican Police forbade exiled Cubans to attend the Pope's Angelus. From early morning there was an explicit prohibition against allowing Cuban refugees living in Italy to enter St. Peter's Square, below, second to fifth rows.One young man, however, was able to cross the barrier and waited for the beginning of the papal reading message after the Angelus. Then, on his knees, he silently displayed the Cuban flag, below, first row. Soon afterwards, he was surrounded by Vatican security police who confiscated the flag and escorted him out of the Square, above and below, last two rows.
The alleged reason was that the Vatican does not allow political manifestations on its domains.
It is hard to believe that to quietly kneel and hold one's country flag could be considered a political manifestation. This is all the more incomprehensible when we know that Pope Francis has appeared on St. Peter's Square surrounded by Chinese flags, smiling warmly and shaking the hands of members of communist delegations.
Those Cubans who were forbidden to enter the Vatican State were only asking mercy for the Cuban people. They sought a word from the Pope supporting the human rights of the people on their Island, which have been violated for more than half a century. If Catholics cannot ask this favor from their Pope, it means that he does not consider them as his children, but rather as enemies.
Nothing in this episode was political, but ideological. Pope Francis did not allow the Cubans in Vatican Square because he favors Communism in Cuba. (See here, here, here, here, here and here)
This is the sad reality that once again becomes crystal clear.
Videos on this episode can be seen here, here and here.
Photos are snapshots from the three videos above

Posted November 7, 2021