Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Bishop of El Paso kneels to BLM
On June 1, 2020, Mark Seitz, Bishop of El Paso, Texas, accompanied by members of the local clergy, knelt in the city's Memorial Park holding a Black Lives Matter (BLM) sign, above, while a BLM protest was taking place.Soon after he was photographed, Pope Francis called the Bishop to thank him for his gesture. This call corroborates previous words the Pope had spoken against racism, indirectly targeting the American police.
Doing this, Bishop Seitz and Pope Francis sided with the riots shaking the U.S. since the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020. In our opinion both the Bishop and the Pope committed several mistakes:
1. They ignored the dark criminal past of George Floyd and that he was being arrested for the crime of passing counterfeit money;
2. They ignored that the American police include a considerable proportion of Black Americans and, therefore, the charge of racism is contrived and deceitful;
3. They completely ignored that the police are worthy of all possible praise for combating crime and giving their lives to protect American citizens;
4. They indirectly supported and essentially fueled those ill-intentioned groups – Antifa, Anarchists & Communists – who are behind these riots with the worse possible goals;
5. They invited Catholics to join with the protesters and strive for an end to the present-day system – Capitalism – that rules in the United States;
6. They added to the climate of unrest and anxiety that these riots are causing in the entire population;
7. They did a great disservice to Christian Civilization and did the exact opposite of what good Catholics expect from their Pastors, which is to promote peace and encourage order.
In addition to the great injustice of this position taken by both the Bishop and the Pope, Francis reveals himself to be speaking out of both sides of his mouth, since in his speeches he stands for non-violence and in his gestures he promotes Anarchy and Communism.
In the photos below, the toppling of the statue of a Confederate General on June 16, 2020, in Washington DC, we can see the symbol of Anarchy painted on both the base of the monument and on the hand of the statue – see the red arrows in the first and third rows. This incident exposes one of the groups who is behind these protests using "racism" as a pretext.
The fact that the statue is that of Albert Pike, a known Freemason and Satanist, does not change the fact that his statue was toppled because he was a Southern General of the Confederacy.
Photos from the Diocese of El Paso sent by a reader & Internet

Posted June 21, 2020