Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Card. Maradiaga gives a saxophone show
On March 27, 2015, Card. Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, Archbishop of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, gave a song and saxophone show as a participant on a TV program.As we recall, Maradiaga is a sort of prime minister of the “Council of Nine” Cardinals established by Pope Francis to help him govern the Church. Under this title, Maradiaga has often been a spokesman for Francis, assuming a role parallel to that of the official representatives of the Pope in the Secretary of State and Roman Congregations. So, he is a high dignitary of the Conciliar Church.
This Prelate could find nothing better to do than get up before an enormous audience to show off his personal skills as a singer and sax player... And he could find no other rhythms to perform except a cumbia, which is a kind of local rumba.
We should not be surprised, however. Indeed, when we have a showman exercizing the functions of Pope, it is not unexpected that his prime minister would also want to show his talents and enjoy the applause of the circus audiences.
A video of the show in Spanish is available here.
Photos from video, first seen in
Call Me Jorge blog

Posted June 7, 2015