Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Card. Tauran pays homage to a Hindu idol
During his visit to the Hindu temple in London, Card. Jean Louis Tauran, President of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue, paid homage to an idol representing guru Pramukh Swami Maharaj, considered to be a reincarnation of a deity. The homage, above, took place after Tauran's talk delivered under the aegis of statues of the guru and other deities.The pretext of the visit was to discuss compassion, a common point between the Conciliar Church and Hinduism.
Below first row, upon arrival the Cardinal is blessed by the religious authority of the temple; second and third rows, he visits several interior altars with an air of admiration and respect, fourth row, he endorses by his presence an act of idolatry to another idol. In the last row, he poses with the local guru at the entrance of the temple.
By acknowledging the gods of the false religions, the Concliar Church representatives indirectly deny the only true God.
To watch a video of the visit and listen to part of the talks, click here.
Photos from the video

Posted January 26, 2014