Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
The soccer Pope
In a constant effort to destroy the sacral and monarchical characters of the Church and the Papacy, the conciliar Popes are increasingly appearing in "democratic" poses. In these pictures Benedict XVI sets aside his role as Sovereign Pontiff and appears as a "buddy" who enjoys being a part of the various soccer teams and shares the popular enthusiasm for the sport.
Above first row left, on January 10, 2007, in the Paul VI room at the Vatican, Benedict XVI accepts a soccer jersey with his name on it, as if he were one of the soccer players of that international team composed of priests; at right in 2007, in the city of Les Combes, North Italy, where he spends his Alpine vacations, he checks to see if the jersey of the local soccer team is his correct size.
Above second row right, on September 29, 2009, a Brazilian priest gives the Pope a jersey of a soccer team in his city, Fortaleza; at right, on June 26, 2008, in St. Peter's Square he receives a jersey of the Flamengo soccer team of Rio de Janeiro.
Below, he tries on the caps of different soccer teams of Italy.
Posted October 25, 2009

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