Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week

Inside the Vatican, June 2001 Point de Vue, October 27, 2004
Queen Elizabeth adopts JPII-style to enter pagan temple
Above left, John Paul II took off his shoes to enter a Muslim mosque in Damascus in May 2001. At right, Queen Elizabeth, following this precedent, took off her shoes to enter a sikh temple in London in October 2004. Below left, Prince Phillip of Edinburg wore a bandanna in the same temple. Perhaps he was following the example of Cardinal Wojtyla, who had the habit to wear such headgear on his morally carefree camping trips.
The magazine Point de Vue qualified this visit of Elizabeth without shoes and Phillip wearing a bandanna as something "surrealistic."
How should we classify similar initiatives of John Paul II?
We leave the answer for the reader to supply.
 Point de Vue, October 27, 2004 Oggi, January 26, 1979
Posted December 5, 2004

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