Is There a Canonization Prayer For Mother Marianna?
Dear Marian,
I have just received volume II of The Admirable Life of Mother Marianna through the goodness of a friend.
I ask many blessings for you for all your dedication and hard work in translating this work into the English language for without such people as yourself, we would be very poor indeed!
I myself entered an enclosed religious order on the Feast of the Holy Innocents last year but had to return home for health reasons, but am hopefully due to return soon. We had your small book on the Prophecies of Our Lady read out loud in our refectory, which was a great joy for the sisters and a blessing for the Convent.
I am wondering if there is a canonization prayer for Mother Marianna? Is this perhaps obtainable from the Conceptionist Convent in Quito? I would so like to be able to have a small prayer card with her picture and the prayer for her canonization that I may take back with me to the Convent.
My friend and I are doing what we can to try to spread devotion to Our Lady of Good Success here in England. We assure you of our prayers for yourself, your family and your work. Please remember us from time to time before Mary Most Pure.
Sincerely yours in the Heart of Jesus and Our Lady of Good Success.

Dr. Horvat responds:
Dear H.K.,
Thank you for your letter and kind words about my work.
There is a prayer for the canonization of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, which is included in the Novena and Prayer Booklet. The prayer came from the Conceptionist Convent in Quito, and follows:
Blessed Mother of Good Success, what great love you had for your privileged daughter and confidante, the Servant of God Mother Mariana Francisca de Jesus Torres, during the days of her mortal life.
Now, through her intercession, attain for us from Our Lord Jesus Christ the grace we are asking of you and the extraordinary favor of seeing her raised to the honor of the altars in the not too distant future, so that the Church may count on a powerful intercessor who will save us from the physical, moral and social evils that threaten us and bring us to the brink of despair. Save us with thy prayers and thy long-proven love for your children who have recourse to thee.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be ...
 Mother Mariana Francisca de Jesus Torres |
Also, I am sure Our Lady will reward you and your friend richly for helping to spread this devotion. By means of this devotion, she promised that Our Lord would work great miracles, spiritual as well as material, for the devout faithful, “above all those at the end of the 20th century, who would be the favored of His Heart, for in that period Hell would be unleashed and many souls would be lost.”
On various occasions Our Lady of Good Success told Mother Mariana that she would give her special help to all those who, by their support and resources, will help to spread this devotion in the times of the mentioned crisis in the Church when she desired to be known.
In the apparition of February 2, 1634, one year before the death of Mother Mariana, Our Lady appeared to her. From her arms, Our Lord told her that the apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success would be doubted by imprudent and indifferent religious authorities. The Christ Jesus told her:
"At the end of this time of trial [that would begin in the mid-20th century], I will gather up the dry branches with which I will have chastised this Convent and throw them into the eternal fire. Then the day of liberty will be born for it. … The winter will pass quickly, giving way to spring, and then all – both inside and outside this Convent – will see the precious treasure I had, have, and will have here, where you lived. But until then, My beloved spouses and your daughters of that time to come will suffer much.
"The imprudent sisters who lack solid virtue will doubt your marvelous life and the many rare and special favors that I and My Blessed Mother have bestowed on you.
"Well-placed persons in the world will wage an implacable war against this Convent, and unhappily, even among the Seraphic Family there will be doubt, opposition, and indifference. Only souls who are humble and simple of heart will be granted the assurance, certainty, and firm conviction of the truth of all that took place in your life, which will remain hidden during the first centuries of this Colony that will become a new nation.
"But, since my great works are always marked by the seal of contradiction, opposition, and even calumny, those who experience such doubts should not become disturbed when this happens. On the contrary, it is the hour to sing victory, for the day of triumph is near ...
"I will preserve my beloved Church until the consummation of time. It will be strongly attacked but never conquered. For if men will be lacking, I will send down Legions of Angels from Heaven for its conservation, defense, and triumph."
Asking Our Lady to guide you in your vocation,
In Maria,
Marian T. Horvat
Posted June 23, 2006

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