The Punk Priest
Top, Fr. Robert Lubic in 1991, commemorating Halloween with some friends while he was studying at Saint Vincent Seminary, Latrobe, Pennsylvania. He posts the picture on his "Punk Priest" site supposedly to show how a priest today can be "hip" and modern.
Below, first row at left, during a picnic with his personal secretary, also while he was in the seminary; at right, after his ordination by Bishop Anthony Bosco. Fr. Lubic is at the Bishop's right, with the mustache and uncombed hair.
Second row, exercising his pastoral ministery with the youth. Third row, posing with "Natasha," his Toyota Celina GTS, 2004. Fourth row, in close relations with children. Fifth row, at left, posing with a young girl; at right, at the altar, with his punk hair, goatee, earrings and choker.