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Dos and Don'ts in Photos

Obana propping his feet up on furniture

Don't put your feet on the furniture
What mother who cares about the good formation of her children would tell them to put their feet on the tables and furniture of the house? Certainly none. This is more than comprehensible.

Even though it would be admissible for an old man by himself in his pajamas to put his feet on an ottoman to read the newspaper in his study, or for boys out camping  to strech out their legs and set their feet on a rock to relax, this same posture is not admissible in any circumstance in mixed company, in the presence of older persons or in any public place.

In addition to the obligation of maintaining the decorum we owe to ourselves, our neighbors, and God and His Angels, we must also show care for the furniture, which was acquired with effort to express the dignity of the family.

This elementary principle is enforced in every public place we go. If one of us were visiting a museum or a library and put our feet on its furniture, we would be promptly called to task by the personnel, who would tell us to immediately stop doing so or face the consequences: expulsion from the place and a fine.

Now then, these photos show that the present day occupant of the White House, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, is agresssively trying to impose this vulgar and primitive habit as normal for a President of the United States to take. Therefore, I propose to White House supervisors to establish a code of manners for the next Presidents, so that these and other extravagances will not be repeated and the dignity of our country as well as the furniture of the White House, purchased with the people's money, will be duly preserved.

In all circumstances don't put your feet on the furniture.

Elaine M. Jordan
various photographs of Obama propping his feet up on furniture
Obama propping his feet on tables and desks

Photos sent by a reader

Blason de Charlemagne
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Posted April 20, 2012

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