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John Paul II sitting on a throne with an inverted cross in front of an Image of Our Lord   A news report on the Papal mass for Youth shows John Paul II on the throne of the inverted cross

Left, an Internet photo;   right, photo from

John Paul II sits on a throne with an inverted cross

On his visit to the Holy Land, John Paul II chose to sit on a throne with
an inverted cross on its back. This took place on March 24, 2000 during a Mass said for youth at Korazin, the site where Our Lord delivered the Sermon of the Mount. To sit on a throne with an inverted cross sends a mixed symbolic message.

On one hand, although an inverted cross has never before been used as a papal symbol, St. Peter asked to die on an inverted cross as an expression of his humility. So, it can be understood in reference to this fact.

On the other hand, the inverted cross is a classic symbol used by the worse enemies of the Catholic Church to mock the Redemption of Jesus Christ. The most frequent users of this symbol are Satanists.

Therefore, one can ask why John Paul II decided to make this extraordinary symbolic innovation without sufficient explanation for Catholics. The Latin saying: In dubio, libertas, loosely translates to: When an authority gives confused orders or teaches confused doctrines, every Catholic is free to follow or think according to his conscience. It seems that this applies to this case. In other words, it can be claimed that this action of John Paul II gives an indirect support to Satanism.

For confirmation, please check the following sites:

Vatican Classes on Satanism

Satanism: Minor Topics - The Inverted Cross

The Symbolism of the Inverted Cross According to Satanists

Occult Signs and Symbols

Maledicta - Books and Supplies

Magic Satanic Symbols

The Flag of the Inverted Cross

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Left, photo from CNN;  right, from Reuters


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Posted January 9, 2005

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