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“How Reactionary!”

Plinio Correa de Oliveira

Fishermens houses in Bamberg, Bavaria

One of the practices of the so-called Catholic leftists is to act as if the social issues of justice and service were never addressed before Leo XIII. They pretend that all the centuries before the 20th were completely oblivious to the duties of justice and charity toward the poor, etc.

This concept is totally discredited by all serious historical studies of our times as well as any other epoch. But lies have a long life. As a consequence, this revolutionary fraud continues to circulate.


The waters of the Regnitz run tranquilly through the noble city of Bamberg in Bavaria, the former city of Sovereigns and Bishops. The river's surface reflects the facades of these old homes, almost all four stories high, with their cheerful and at the same time serious tone.

Exquisitely cared for, adorned with colorful flowers in window boxes and a lively vegetation bordering the river, these residences reveal an unpretentious, full and stable tenor of living, and speak of a strong, intimate and tranquil family life. In short, everything about them would surely attract today’s contemporary worker. And well it should, in view of such remarkable bourgeois comfort!


However, these are not the homes of judges, professors or public officials. They are the residences of fishermen! How this charm, serenity and harmony differ from the vulgarity, squalor and hubbub of so many suburbs in today’s modern Babylon. Further, we could point out countless other examples like this.


But it would do little good. Looking at the picture and reading the commentary, our "leftist Catholic" will not argue. He will restrict himself to his habitual defense and complain, “How reactionary this writer is!”

And then he will continue to repeat his same old calumnies against the past.

Houses in Bamberg, Bavaria

A bend on the Klein-Venedig (Little Venice) of Bamberg


Blason de Charlemagne
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Translated by TIA desk from Catolicismo, n. 164, August 1964
Posted December 7, 2011

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