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Lippe Detmold eine wunderschöne Stadt

German Marching Song

Lippe Detmold eine wunderschöne Stadt or Lippe Detmold a Beautiful City is a somewhat humerous German military song originating from the Napoleonic wars. At the time Napoleon invaded Lippe Detmold was one of many small German Principalities to fight against the French Revolution. The singers caricature the importance of their own province, a "great" city so small it has only one soldier. The soldier reports to "headquarters", his captain's house, before going off to die in war as a literal one-man-army.

Lippe Detmold eine wunderschöne Stadt is believed to have been written during the Napoleonic occupation of Westphalia, with the music written sometime later. It is here performed by the Major Johannes Schade Music Corps.

Listen to Men of Harlech


Lippe-Detmold eine wunderschöne Stadt,
Lippe-Detmold eine wunderschöne Stadt,
Darinnen ein Soldat.
Darinnen ein Soldat.
Ei, der muß marschieren in den Krieg,
Ei, der muß marschieren in den Krieg,
Wo die Kanonen stehn.
Wo die Kanonen stehn.

Und als er in diese große Stadt reinkam,
Und als er in diese große Stadt reinkam,
Wohl vor des Hauptmanns Haus,
Wohl vor des Hauptmanns Haus,
Der Hauptmann schaut zum Fenster raus,
Der Hauptmann schaut zum Fenster raus,
"Mein Sohn bist du schon da?"
"Mein Sohn bist du schon da?"

English translation:

Lippe-Detmold a beautiful city,
Lippe-Detmold a beautiful city,
in it is a soldier.
in it is a soldier.
O, he must march to the war,
O, he must march to the war,
Where the cannons stand.
Where the cannons stand.

And when he came into this great city,
And when he came into this great city,
He stood in front of the captain's house,
He stood in front of the captain's house,
The captain looked out of the window,
The captain looked out of the window,
"My son, you are already here?"
"My son, you are already here?"

Soldier of Lippe-Detmold sheet music

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