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Dos and Don’ts in Photos
Prince Hans-Adam of Liechtenstein

Do publicly commemorate the Feasts of Our Lady

In the photo above we see Hans Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein, third from the left, with his wife Princess Marie leaving their Castle of Valduz and walking to the city in order to commemorate the feast day of the Assumption of Our Lady on August 15, 2018. In the Principality of Lichtenstein it is also a national feast day.

In this photo, Prince Hans Adam is preceded by his heir Prince Alois and his wife Princess Sophie.

It is highly refreshing to see the head of one of the few Catholic States left in the world who is proud  to publicly honor the Mother of God on her feast day.

We should follow his example and always honor Our Lady in whatever ambience we find ourselves, not only in churches.

Do publicly commemorate the Feasts of Our Lady

Elaine Jordan

Photo from Point de Vue, August 22, 2018


Blason de Charlemagne
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Posted October 24, 2018

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